Thursday, May 25, 2017

Positive Autocatalism

Try to focus on self just for while,
The peaceful mind is quite a pleasure,
Helps to find inside you the hidden treasure,

Eventhough you got it found,
Continuing it is not ensured,
There are good things & so bad around,
Focus is not always assured,

And so lost is the peaceful mind,
And the discovered treasure of some kind,
To reinspire gratitude is the one key I suppose,
And other is positive sense of purpose,

The beauty hidden in the precious attitude of gratitude,
Cannot be measured with scale or in simple magnitude,

It rebuilds the peace and the inspiration,
Rising hope with purposeful aspiration,

You see above are arranged positive words with optimism,
But idea is to simulate and convey ' Positive Autocatalism'.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Goals – Doubts = Reality

Goal : One year ago, honey bees started making hive near my window. I shared this with one of my friend like joke telling how closely I am living with nature now & to the same he replied humorously that I am going see the growth in my life as honey bees are omen for good fortune & growth. I thought well that’s something good to believe in, as everybody want to grow in different things depends on individual, like growth in happiness, knowledge, love, relationships, prosperity etc and that’s the goal.
Doubt : Later I realized that they were not honey bees, they were something different red bees actually hornets, yes had less knowledge about such species thought they are all same & create honey. One of colleague told me the difference. He also shared his knowledge that how horrible creature hornets are as they inject their eggs inside of caterpillars body, so hornets babies eat the caterpillars from inside gradually keeping them alive . He was certainly sad about this & even questioned god’s creativity of universe with such imperfections in it, doubting existence of god that if he does exist then why he designed such horrific life cycle of hornets & caterpillar. Extending the same thought to human lives he continued that in the same way like hornets why bad people get succeed and why sometimes good people have to suffer,  face imperfection in their life. And concluded that there is no god, goodness or positive energy exist at all, it’s all about individual thoughts about right & wrong. This thought of his about imperfections in the world really messed up my mind creating small doubt.
Hopeful Reality: Coincidentally on the same day later in the evening somebody from my connection posted about wabi-sabi, a Japanese belief about seeing beauty in imperfection, sufferings, bad times. In fact for any broken objects they fill the crack with gold increasing its wealth, status or reputation, believing that when something suffered a damage becomes more beautiful. Which totally makes sense as we have many successful example of people who went through sufferings & struggle before their goal achieved . I was amazed with coincidence of this wabi-sabi post helped me to fight against doubt just created in mind before & struck me as message from universe [using big words here but that’s true :) ]. Gave me something to believe in positivity with less doubts to have hopeful reality.
As we know the Reality is equal to Goals minus Doubts.
* Note: This blog post also appeared on beBee Affinity Social Network and Linkedin

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Contradiction of Contradiction

When I clicked this picture
instant thought occurred ,
That it's contradictory mixture,

On one side is the buddha,
Figure of inner piece as a victory,
On the other hand samurai,
Famous warriors in the history,

But the fact that i didn't know surprisingly,
That buddha was born to kshatriya family,

While samurai practiced zen buddhism,
strengthened on the battlefield as reason,

So my instinct to see  just a simple contradiction,
Turns out tobe contradiction of contradiction.

* Note: This blog post also appeared on beBee Affinity Social Network and Linkedin

Saturday, May 6, 2017

True Psychologist

Perception based distorted opinion
about others is merely a stupidity,

Mind can be studied from inside out,
Perceiving externally is just a naught,

The buddha was true psychologist
who understood self in serenity,

Can't be like him & focus on ownself?
Then dear psychologist in myself,

Don't observe, judge & comprehend the myth
Better ask, argue & understand the truth.

* Note: This blog post also appeared on beBee Affinity Social Network and Linkedin