Friday, December 8, 2017

"Quoteful Shots" with Yogesh Sukal : 3

Dear reader, these are few quoteful shots captured at various places I recently explored.

Continuation from the previous blog series:  Quoteful Shots 1Quoteful Shots 2, Museum Day.

Happy to receive your reinterpretations on the same.

When darkness kisses the light,
The beautiful moment of twilight.

Art, science and nature,
Often follows the symmetry,

Einstein's space-time reality,
Feel the gravity of geometry.
That shining beautiful upside down,
Twisted zero wonder of beyond unknown.

Nature is beauty & Beauty is nature,
Self heals, evolves & nurture.
Oh dear Math
You are getting all over

From set, subset and each entity
To the beautiful mind's Identity.

"Amazing evening with sound waves of ocean,
Enriched further by these perfectly tuned musicians."

The journey of life
Vowed husband-wife
The Magic of Singularity & its Analogy.

Touristic place and amazing evening,
Through ears sound mind tuning,
Lyrics was a question
say's hey what's going on,
I say your music stopping us
Pedestrian audience from moving on,
Pitch of her singing was so cool,
Enjoying nodding head till song full, 
Her music & voice sounds magnifico,
And the music place was Porto antico.

Everything or Nothing ?
More you think you know everything from many read,
More you constrain and limit yourself as a rigid,
Absolute Truth Vs Relative Perception
I am the infected truth with bothers,
Trying to make peace with lie of others.

Its all matters the start which we need,
Imagination is the key behind indeed.

"Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere." - Albert Einstein

The Einstein himself could imagine the concept of gravity as geometry. 

Imagination is the key for right start rest things builds on the same with logic. 
Einstein once gave that start.

* Note: This blog post also appeared on beBee Affinity Social Network , Twitter and Linkedin

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Oh dear Math

Oh dear Math
What you have done to us
Me, many & Max Planck
With you for quite while
And without you getting momentarily blank
In the process of resolving statistical fuss
Iterating, converging for alpha, beta and gamma
Admiring beauty in the given lemma
I know you are not magical
But answered many in a way logical
With your internal semantic
Ex Machina can be romantic
Isn’t that supercool ?
But there is a twist
One must follow the rule
Not respecting the Nyquist
 Under-sampled blade tip timing
Wow, lines here really rhyming 😇
Vibration, frequencies and different modes
Spectrum by Wiener Khinchine
Machine is deep learning with us
And so we are with machine
From molecular level of substance
For structures, patterns and correlations
To the millions away exoplanets speculations
Mapping on to the Mahalanobis distance
With Cramer-Rao  lower bound
Maximum likelihood is getting found
Chaos theory and stochastic
Model is now non deterministic
Inverting and converting,
To get full picture
In syntactic tree structure
Oh dear Math
You are getting all over
From set, subset and each entity
To the beautiful mind's Identity
With certain amount of uncertainty.

* Note: This blog post also appeared on beBee Affinity Social Network and Linkedin

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Science-Philosophy Singularity : Magic of Absolutism

Science-Philosophy Singularity :

As our modern science is in fact originated from philosophical thoughts and ideas way back from the ancient world and it amazed me to find analogies between objective science principles and subjective human values or thoughts. I am not writing here about science based morality that whether science can determine the human values or not, as morality is neither testable nor facts based on the understanding over the time due to its relative premises and murky absolute truth. Even though morality is being questioned and corrected in few cases with advancement of science, it certainly can’t be programmed as a lack of consciousness which is still mystery; hence we have object oriented programming instead subject oriented programming (LOL). 

Also science is based on the certain assumptions which take us in the direction based on those assumptions and then going deep down at the end of the rabbit hole, we question the assumptions made initially which led us to lot many theories and speculations. For examples about our nature of reality such as whether it is continuous space time universe obeying Einstein’s theory of relativity or one of the parallel universes based on uncertain discrete quantum mechanics or aliased continuous simulation reality as a convolution of discretely sampled high dimensional consciousness with our perception.  

As scientific principle’s intertwined with our thoughts and evolving together rising our understanding towards an emergent conceivable objective reality which is far away from the imperceptible absolute truth of reality. When science who questions everything to fetch factual answers gets saturated before reaching absolute conclusion, we should take these emergent scientific principle’s to tweak the fundamental philosophical ideas behind our evolved science leading to new science in a Conway's game of life manner. And this back forth inspiration to correcting each other in auto-catalytic way until it merges at a singular point answering the mysteries like singularity and beyond.

Quantum Mechanics Vs. General Relativity:- 

According to general relativity, our macroscopic universe is four-dimensional relativistic map resulted as a butterfly effect from a very highly ordered Big Bang event of a singular infinitely dense point called singularity happened 13.8 billion years ago which tends to disorder with arrow of an elapsing time which we perceive as measure of change in our existing conceivable reality which itself changes with observers perspective who approaches speed of light. It gives simplistic understanding but with illusion which is possible only with the support of multiverse idea which general relativity is incapable of explain as its laws breaks down and can’t go beyond singularity point of this universe. Hence the reason why retrocausalitic time travel movie predestination makes no sense but circle of confusion. 

On the other hand on microscopic scale quantum mechanics kept us curious with its uncertain non-local behavior of wave-particle duality. Even though quantum mechanics is non-intuitive and very mysterious, it is very well proven and revolutionizing modern world providing radical openness not only in micro scale but also about macro universe, for example with quantum engineered technology like LIGO detecting and studying gravitational waves from the merging massive object like black holes in space billion years, setting the course for a new era in observational astrophysics.

In fact it has capability to probe absolute truth up to certain extent, since only universe which we studied and observed is 5% and the rest is mysterious dark matter and dark energy which has key importance in formation of our universe, influencing us only through gravity. Omnipotent quantum mechanics with omnipresent gravity invokes the possibilities to unravel the hidden truth beyond our current perception providing us new senses to probe center of black hole, to see unseen behind microwave background radiation or nothingness beyond big bang and even to interact with higher dimension with graviton detection at LHC.

Absolutism Vs. Relativism:- 

Absolute morality is as mysterious like absolute truth of reality but both are related and hence human values can be based on the facts, but at the same time it’s not just objective to imagine its fundamental nature with simplicity unless it is programmed and you are in simulation reality :). Rather it perceived as an emergent phenomenon making the world dynamic and diverse resulted based on certain premises. Metaethics is huge to study the grounding problem of ethics to search for foundation of moral beliefs, out of just considering absolutism and relativism for current context to see the analogical beauty between scientific principle and human values.

There is relativism with flexible moral belief system allowing it to vary based on the situations, perception and reminiscent subjective experience, while absolutism making it idealistic universal principle for all space and time. On universal scale with moral relativism rises skepticism with incoherent moral truth, whereas only absolutism with unclear absolute moral truth may leads to objectivity. Hence there has to be balance between these two to smooth out diverse fluctuations with thought-out reasoning, arguments and discussions.

General morality is grounded in self-experience, scientific advances, religious thoughts and is evolving as a function of time. Certainly with technological advances with digital super intelligence which needs moral control and regulations else we may have all answers we need but the reality will be meaningless like our ancestors but with super intelligence lacking subjective experience living in the fancy caves.

Forbidden absolute truth :

One example that relativism can be illusive but not the absolute truth, as universe is expanding making galaxies nearby permanently out of reach as speed of light will not be able to overcome the ever widening space which may mislead astronomers in the far future as they will observe nothing but endless stretch of static space to conclude universe is static, which is the same reality perceived by our ancestors due to lack of technology back then. It’s like the parable of the blind men and an elephant with each blind man feels a different part of the elephant body and describing elephant based on their partial experience , hence as perception supersedes reality relativism may fetch truth but incomplete out of big fat elephant which is absolute truth. 

In the same way absolute nature of reality is like an elephant which we are not able to understand from our partial experience as current technology and study says that laws of physics are forbidden at extreme limits of absolutes. As at absolute zero temperature halts any motion even photon hence zero speed of light, on the other hand absolute high temperature at the dawn of the time near big bang twists the space. The answers to the absolute truth lie at these limits of absolutes. 

Magic of absolutism :

What if elephant is small?
If its baby elephant then one blind man certainly can predict the whole truth and that will be the absolutism as any blind man will now has the same information leading to one conclusion which is absolute truth. In the same way, the mysteries about the nature of reality can be solved by going into absolute fundamental which indeed is true as quantum mechanics we are descending into microscopic inner space to make sense of outer space. The theory proved that going into fundamental has its immense significance of getting benefits of absolutism to unravel the mysteries. 

For example laser tuned at certain frequency can cool the atoms near absolute zero which are getting used as prototype for quantum computers which can solve complex problems with enormous number of variables that classical computers may take thousands years. It has futuristic applications with concept like hack proof transactions with quantum cryptography and entanglement concept, magical tunneling to break the barriers between us and the ultimate understanding that we are seeking. 
Einstein could come up with concept of gravity as a space-time curvature which he did with his absolute thought experiment rather than trying to manipulate the Newton’s laws of gravity to describe the motion of planets as an extrapolation of baseball motion. And as we discussed earlier with quantum gravity quantum mechanics is trying to go further beyond limits. Another true example of absolutism is the Buddha who was true psychologist who understood self-mind rather than observing and judging somebody else’s. Its coincidence that in Buddhism elephant is consider as symbol for mind strength.

* Note: This blog post also appeared on beBee Affinity Social Network and Linkedin

Saturday, July 1, 2017

"Quoteful Shots" with Yogesh Sukal : 2

Dear reader, these are my few thoughts inspired with the photoshots captured at various places I recently explored.
Continuation from the following blog series of "Quoteful Shots" with Yogesh Sukal 

Happy to receive your reinterpretations on the same.

Its not just my thoughts who inspires me to make such post, 
but actually its love with this beautiful ocean utmost.

Nature is beauty and beauty is nature,
Since was missing it so badly,
Relived the moment from past capture,
In love with nature quite madly.

In the vastness of everyday happenings together as we, 
I love little things which are true, unintended and matters most to me.

The true inspiration of becoming a global,
Is to dream about extending it beyond the solar system to become one day universal.

Lets flap our wings carefully as a mature, 
Not to have chaotic tornado coming at us in future ðŸ˜Š  #butterflyeffects

No matter how old and wise you are,
Beauty of nature always love inspire.

Connect the dots is what visionary Steve Jobs once said,
How you do that is what will lead to the difference you wished to be made.

"With your eternal sunshine wave-particle rays, 

Influenced us in Schrodinger's probabilistic ways".

It's nature who was is and will always thrive,
From quark to quasar good things will survive.😇

"In real time capturing the reality.
Artist performing live his artistry".

" As still as the sea could be "

Such a classic painting of lady samurai adorable,
As the fact that samurai's spirit being honorable.

Blind or dumb goodness is as equal as mischievous genius.

Jag ghoomeya thaare jaisa na koi,
Ti amo ancora e ancora, adesso e poi,

With you yesterday, today & tomorrow,
Can't help as cupid hit me for you by arrow,

Ocean Love Ocean Love,
Ocean Love Ocean Love. 

(First line in Hindi meaning : I wandered all over world but I have not met like you yet. 
Second line in Italian meaning : I love you again and again, now and then.)

The biggest curiosity quests are dark energy & the boson higgs,
But most thing bothers who came first chicken or the eggs.😇

Concealed happiness to get reveal,
Wise wisdom suggested to be real.

I didn't thought much but keep on assembling this,
Just in a minute turns out to be something cool engineered piece.

They were so busy with their chosen stream,
In studying, analyzing and calculating,
For scaling & mapping accurate blueprint,
Following passion & moving towards dream, 
Imagining success with mind simulating,
With reference & admiring role models footprint.

The Christopher Columbus was born here and set sail for the New World,
One of the biggest caption for highlighting this historical word.

Painting was amazing depicting natural amazing beauty.
To the artist, continue such an artistry is my entreaty.

Inspired travel writer is a dream seeder.

It cannot be measured with scale or in simple magnitude,
The beauty hidden in the precious attitude of gratitude.

We are all influencers with our thoughts and experiences If admire the beauty of it in a absolute way.
And sharing enhances its enrichment in autocatalytic way like addiction but amazing, beautiful, positive and enlightening.

Marble's, stones are everywhere and about them nothing new,
But your arrangement made them special & amongst few.

Positive Autocatalism

I know you with absolute pureness,
No need of any perception sureness,
As I don't see you via distorted window,
Yours and only yours true shadow.