The most thing bothers what came first chicken or the eggs, 🐣
But the biggest curiosity quests are dark energy & the boson Higgs. 😇
This is First Deep Field image from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope. It is the deepest and sharpest infrared image of the distant universe to date, looking far back in time when the Universe was less than a billion years old. This Webb’s First Deep Field image is covering a patch of sky approximately the size of a grain of sand held at arm’s length by someone on the ground and yet overflowing with detail as it reveals thousands of galaxies – including the faintest objects ever observed in the infrared – have appeared in Webb’s view for the first time in this tiny sliver of vast Universe. It shows galaxy cluster SMACS 0723 as it appeared 4.6 billion years ago, with many more galaxies in front of and behind the cluster. There are stars, the things with the kind of cross twinkie patterns. But everything else, pretty much, is a galaxy. These are extremely distant galaxies, sort of almost out to the edge of as far as we can see with telescopes. So, for example, in the center of the image, you can see there's a kind of cluster of galaxies, kind of blobs. Now, hopefully you should be able to also see that on this image, there is this smearing pattern. So there's kind of circular structures arranged around this central cluster of galaxies. Why do some of these galaxies in this image appear bent? This smearing is something called gravitational lensing. The combined mass of this galaxy cluster acts as a gravitational lens magnifying more distant galaxies, including some seen when the Universe was less than a billion years old. So this is essentially where light from a distant galaxy travels towards the earth. Now thanks to Einstein, we know that gravity doesn't just make matter move in orbits or curves. It also curves space time, and it will cause light to travel in curved paths. As the light leaves the galaxy and travels past this heavy object (galaxy cluster between JWST and the distant galaxy), it get bent by cluster gravity and pulled back towards the JWST again. It basically acts like a lens and we end up getting this kind of smeared multiple image of the same galaxy across the whole sky.
This lensing effect can actually, therefore, be used to work out how much matter there is in the center of this image. Because more the gravity means more mass there is, the more strongly lensed the light will be and more will be the pronounced lensing effect. So what we can do is, if we use this lensing, we can effectively work out how much mass there is in the center of this image. And then we compare that with the visible light that you can see with our telescopes. So we can see there are lots of galaxies here. This is obviously a very large amount of mass. So if we overlay a map of where the matter appears to be in this image from lensing, sometimes we actually find a very large discrepancy between the amount of stuff we can see with our telescopes and the amount of stuff we know needs to be there to explain this lensing effect. That is the evidence of something called dark matter, which is essentially some kind of invisible substance which we don't know much about but apparently makes up a very large fraction of the universe. In fact, it's far, far more abundant than the atomic matter, the stuff the Standard Model basically describes. We have evidence of dark matter from lensing and also by looking at the rotations of stars around galaxies, we can calculate to a fairly high degree of confidence how much dark matter is out there, even though we can't see it which Vera Rubin famously studied in 1960s.
The cosmic pie in collage depicts that ordinary matter of which made all the galaxies, and stars, and planets, the universe and everything that Standard Model describes is just 5% of the total content of the universe. And more than five times of the known universe that we are made of; is the invisible dark matter stuff which is 27% of that cosmic pie. And then 68% is something even more mysterious called dark energy, repulsive force that appears to be accelerating the expansion of the universe. So the lesson from this is essentially that the word “dark” in physics means having a theory that works really well in the very narrow domain in which we've applied it, but tells us basically nothing about major content of the universe.
#Quest : Analogical Singularity
We are living in such dimension within mysterious deep boundaries which yet to be understood. On macro level ‘The dark energy’ causing universe to expand deep outside towards where is unknown & beyond imaginations, on the other hand on micro level search for ‘God particles’ on subatomic level still continues deep inside with discoveries of new particles deeper & deeper. Hence our quest continues to understand these extreme mysteries outward as well as inward with our consciousness which itself is deep mystery.
Magic of Singularity & it's Analogy.
In above Deep Field: Webb shows how galaxy cluster SMACS J0723, located ~4.2 billion light-years away, contains hundreds of galaxies. Galaxy clusters are filled with vast reservoirs of superheated gas seen only in X-ray light. In the same image later Chandra data (blue) revealed gas with temperatures of tens of millions of degrees, possessing a total mass about 100 trillion times that of the Sun. Invisible dark matter forms an even larger fraction of the cluster’s total mass.