Monday, February 20, 2017

"Quoteful Shots" with Yogesh Sukal

Dear reader, these are my thoughts which I am highlighting with the photoshots captured in beautiful city of Italy, Genova the same where Christopher Columbus set sail for the New World :)

"The hatred consume you a lot to the extent that you hate yourself manifests the good morality waves of yours".

" With your eternal sunshine wave-particles rays,
Influenced us in Schrodinger's probabilistic ways".

Respect for ticking heartbeat of time,
Killing it for no reason is kinda crime.

Leaders are who mould themselves to the perceivable semblance,
To nurture, inspire and guide the followers with their influence.

"Transitioning ourselves from duality (micro vs macro) to singularity by tuning our macro attributes to the micro nature inside us, we can vibe with it to keep inspiration in some form around us like shadow."

What's so special about me I don't understand leads me to create special which I afraid of losing when I found myself special.
"Loneliness is not always a weakness & social grouping inability, but the misinterpretation of non conformity & act of being general as a responsibility".

" Sometimes in the random moment of unexpectation, you surprise yourself beyond expectation. "

Virtual, augmented or distorted reality confusing our existence,
We are evolving beyond Moore's law that questions ourself as a artificial intelligence.

Sometimes imperfections in you leads beyond perfection.

In the journey of life ready to take that unknown turn,
Wise enough to make it right hence no concern.

Lets inspire to get inspire from this inspired nature of inspiring planet earth for the things which inspire us to do inspiring things which can inspire entire mankind on this planet which itself is inspiring in nature and autocatalytic inspiration continues....

In the flow of this inspiration, lets get drifted into the journey of being inspired...

It matter's how we perceive things, even if trinity,
Sole purpose is to enlightenment as a being unity. 

In the beautiful evening,
Horizon unified two H2O forms,
Which I perceived instead naught...
While standing on the rock,
As a foundation of this thought...
"To open the doors of creativity, one needs to carve key with hard work, passion and non conformity".

Perfect depiction of nature, urban civilization and hopeful shining horizon in one frame called 'The Life'

If the only excuse for extra time is to self develope,
Is the indication of being in sucess nurturing envelope.

Dear coffee neurologically brainmagic us with great idea...
 reason for champagne to celebrate vittoria... 
Caffรจ-Champagne romanticismo. Dare champagne propositivo vita vittoriosa per festeggiare.

We are evolving with technology and so does technology with us,
 Notion from this evolving autocatalism is simulation reality fuss.

Impress me an artistic beauty with your astonishing amaze, to capture your artistry in my wondering gaze.

With flexibility and right directional efforts achieve top of your dream mountain,
Like flexible water with right directions making beautiful shapes with the fountain.

So magnificent scenic horizon that eye's couldn't stop staring,
It's overflowing illuminations blended water a goldish glaring.

We were waiting for doors to open in the waiting zone,
Everyone seems singular but actually not due to cellphone,
Technology has evolved with us and so does we with technology,
Singularity is now in our hand and we merged in its cosmology. 

If your own shadow is holding you back from success,
Then make a choice to be a light or go with darkness.

Love was solid, pure and special...dissolved in judgement like desperate and superficial...

They optimally synchronised each guitar note with drumbeat...Making evening young with joyful rhythmic heartbeat...
If you think deep you will find deep positive meaning shines,
Else just fascinating words, vocabulary and perfect lines...

In the new ambience and such a rich history, I found myself reborn...

Ship was moving ahead with resulting bubble burstings,
Giving exact resemblance of million diamond frostings.
Either be influencer or follower to good influencers,
 but help yourself by not being nothing & keep judging others.

With absolute pureness, You can beautify though darkness...

Without love life is merely impossible,
This thought for me easily conceivable,
The who don't agree and intensely resists,
Are the one's madly in love with self as narcissist. ๐Ÿ™‚

Ship was moving ahead with resulting bubble burstings,
Giving exact resemblance of million diamond frostings.

"The pendulum of mind oscillates between logic and magic."

Explore, seek and uncover your hidden skills,
To achieve transcendence, triumph & glorious hills.

Painting was amazing depicting natural scenic beauty.
To the artist, continue such an artistry is my entreaty.

In cyclic life, I will suggest unintuitive pause, 
To understand the cycle & get aligned with better cuase. 

* Note: This blog post also appeared on beBee Affinity Social Network and Linkedin

- Yogesh Sukal