Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Everything or Nothing?

More you think you know everything from many read,
More you constrain and limit yourself as a rigid,

Moment you accept you know nothing but a little dot,
Beauty of this moment is hungry mind can fetch a lot,

Known things leads to the predicted results with logic,
What-if we consider know nothing & get surprised with eureka magic,

On one side brain works logical,
Or makes heart feelings magical,

I know logic is important to make more sense,
But reality sometimes seems mystical, simulation or just nonsense,

Like singularity or big bang that everything from nothing,
So do you know everything or nothing to know more about everything.

* Note: This blog post also appeared on beBee Affinity Social Network and Linkedin

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Happy Earth Day

Lets inspire to get inspire from this inspired nature of inspiring planet earth for the things which inspire us to do inspiring things which can inspire entire mankind on this planet which itself is inspiring in nature and autocatalytic inspiration continues....


In the flow of this inspiration, lets get drifted into the journey of being inspired...

Happy Earth Day

* Note: This blog post also appeared on beBee Affinity Social Network and Linkedin

Thursday, April 6, 2017

The Life - Library within a library.

The life is book with many chapters,
As each chapter gets unfolds,

Nurturing library of your thoughts 
& The way your eye beholds,

So the library within the book,
& The book within the library,

Seems like autocatalytic dwell,
& Dragon eating it's own tail,

So in the cycle of life,
I will suggest unintuitive pause,

To understand the cycle 
& get assigned with better cause.

* Note: This blog post also appeared on beBee Affinity Social Network and Linkedin

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Travel Writer

Inspired travel writer is a dream seeder.

As they have amazing stories to tell,

Experienced in each travel breathe inhale,

In the Spring, sunshine, autumn and winter,

Mind simulating experience's as a travel writer,

Reliving the travel moments while each letter crafting,

Ignited travel mind with writing pad brightening,

So travel writers are bees gathering nectars in each travel,

Producing sweet honey as travel stories gets unravel.

* Note: This blog post also appeared on beBee Affinity Social Network and Linkedin